Vilnius Tennis Academy is the largest tennis academy in Lithuania. More than half a thousand children and youngsters of all ages learn the secrets of tennis here. The quality of education and training and the training environment is what we pay special attention to.
Our coaches are constantly raising their qualifications in the best tennis academies and centers in the world, and apply the latest world-renowned training methodologies in their training.
We financially support the most promising athletes of the academy, who are among the best in Lithuania and the world, and win trophys in various tournaments in Lithuania and abroad.

VšĮ "Vilniaus teniso akademija"
Ąžuolyno str. 7, Vilnius, Lietuva
Company code: 301819692
IBAN No. LT48 7044 0600 0652 7625
Tel. (+370 5) 270 6170;
Mob. (+370 652) 36466
Administration working hours:
I – IV 08:00 – 17:00, V 08:00 – 16:00
Sponsors and partners
Sponsors and partners of our academy also contribute to the victories of young tennis talents.
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